Saturday, November 22, 2008

holiday market

shannon...also know as my very best friend...actually let's face it, she's better than a sister...went with olivia and i yesterday to "holiday market". we had such a great time...olivia is a great little shopper for 14 months old. we actually did not do the damage we set out to do with our shopping...i bought very little and so did she. i remember the last time we went...before i was married to travis and had olivia...the trip was all about me. it is amazing what happens when you have a child...apparently now the trips are all about olivia...wouldn't have it any other way.

aunt shannon did not disappoint...she began the day by locking her keys in her car...God love her and we do too! she always adds a twist to the wouldn't be the same any other way. i accomplished my main goal...spending some much needed down time with shannon. it is amazing how little time we actually see one another since i moved back from colorado.

i have to close with the best find of the day the elf on the shelf book and elf kit. it is too cute...i would recommend it to anyone that has little ones. olivia is actually getting one from shan this year for christmas...even though she is still too young...i will put it back for a future family tradition...can't wait.


Shannon said...

ohh....i still have a headache from the key incident. but, i should be thankful because i have no doubt i could have made the situation a million times worse somehow? just glad you were there to rescue me!!!!

now, let's hope david doesn't read know...he can be relentless with my "incidents".

Shannon said...

also, you're right....the things we left yesterday were much different than our previous trip. :)

Dave McClung said...

I have eyes and ears everywhere. You thought I would miss out on a good story like this. Never. It is Sunday today though, so I will be merciful. Tomorrow may be a different story however. I am writing a book after all. I'm going to call it "Mishaps and Mahem on the way to Joyful Insanity: the Crazy Life of Shannon Walker." Mwuhahahahahah.

Anonymous said...

David: you weren't invited here. :) Where is that delete buttocn?

My first attempt at a comment was somewhat witty, but, I had to change some settings for Angela to allow me to post - so I lost whatever it was I was going to say during that process. And, no need to comment on that either. Just let me forget that I forgot.

Whoever encouraged her to start a blog in the first place?

I think you need a blog! :)